GMC/RES No 30/07: Technical Regulation on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Post- Consumer Recycled Food Grade (PET-PCR Food Grade) Packaging intended to come in Contact with Food [English Translation]



Title: GMC/RES No 30/07: Technical Regulation on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Post- Consumer Recycled Food Grade (PET-PCR Food Grade) Packaging intended to come in Contact with Food

Publication date: 11/12/2007

Status: In force

Scope: This resolution establishes the requirements for FOOD CONTACT for MERCOSUR members. It includes the general requirements and criteria for evaluation, authorization and registration of PET containers made of variable proportions of virgin PET (food grade) and postconsumer PET (food grade), intended to come in contact with food. It is applicable to final products (food grade PET-PCR containers), their articles and raw materials (food grade PET-PCR).