Increase Confidence in the Compliance of Your Products
Determining if a new product will be compliant or, as regulations evolve, maintaining the compliance of products already in market is complex and can slow down new product introduction. Regulatory personnel can spend countless hours working to identify the acceptable limits for different ingredients, reducing focus on more strategic objectives.
Our Regulatory Assessment solution simplifies meeting complex global regulations by analyzing products or bills of materials against our trusted regulatory data to provide a color-coded compliance management dashboard that allows you to quickly identify where your product is and isn’t compliant across more than 220 countries.
Modules available: Food Additives | Contaminants | Standards of Identity | Recipe Management | Food Contaminants | Cosmetic Ingredients | Food Contact
Regulatory Assessment supports regulatory professionals by providing:
- Chemical, material, ingredient and product-level compliance analysis
- Analysis and comparison of global threshold requirements for additives and contaminants
- Development of global declarations of compliance for a product, material or ingredient
- Access to information concerning global regulatory status and requirements
- Upload your formulations and recipes and analyze their compliance
- An archive of compliance data and material acceptance processes to support auditing and retain institutional memory

Food Additives
The food additives module includes over 3,000 substances that can be added to human food as additives, flavors, vitamins or minerals. By choosing their functions and usages (food categories) in specific countries, a red/yellow/green matrix provides a visual overview of your compliance status across markets. Citations for the regulations related to the results matrix are provided, and users who subscribe to our Regulatory Library can click through to open the document.
The Contaminants module contains thousands of pesticides as well as a myriad of veterinary drugs, mycotoxins, heavy metals, marine biotoxins and microbiologicals. The maximum residue levels regulated in specific commodities are easily found by substance or commodity.
Standards of Identity
The standards of identity module contains the required ingredients and physiochemical measurements needed to meet the chocolate and ice cream standards around the world. A recipe built in the recipe management module is submitted to a standard category to make the ‘go’ or ‘no-go’ decision about whether the recipe meets the standard. If required ingredients are missing from a recipe, the missing substances report quickly shows what substances are needed.
Recipe Management
The recipe management module allows you to either build a recipe on the fly or upload a recipe via a spreadsheet. You can also nest one recipe within another and then decide whether to submit each individual recipe for Additive or SOI analysis, or submit them together as one. When a recipe is submitted for Additive analysis, rules determine if the concentration levels of the additive ingredients meet their threshold levels both individually as well as in combination using molecular weight conversion factors when one substance is expressed as another.
Food Contaminants
This module allows you to understand all contaminant requirements around the world for your products in a single search. Contaminants covered include:
- Dioxins and PCBs
- Filth
- General
- Guidance Documents
- Heavy Metals
- Hormonal Substances
- Marine Biotoxins
- Methods of Analysis
- Microbiological Contaminants
- Mycotoxins
- Nitrates and Nitrites
- Other Chemicals
- Pesticide Residues
- Veterinary Drug Residue
Cosmetic Ingredients
Our cosmetic module includes both chemical substances that are regulated by the Cosmetics Regulation and ingredients that are not found in regulatory text but necessary in cosmetic formulations. The module includes over 130,000 substance names covering restricted ingredients, UV filters, preservatives, colorants and prohibited substances. Our traffic light indicator matrix provides a visual overview with citations of your compliance status across markets and is a valuable tool in the pre-development phase of R&D.
Food Contact
This module covers general food contact regulations and regulations on food contact substrates. Users can analyze and compare country regulations against a recipe or formulation, ingredients, or substances. Recipes may be saved in the client’s private instance for use in future queries. Users may also conduct a compliance review of a recipe, ingredient, substance or lists of ingredients. These lists may be uploaded and saved for future comparisons. A visual red-yellow-green matrix allows for quick analysis against the applicable regulations. A detailed tabular report provides a more detailed analysis with hyperlinks to citations in our Regulatory Library.
Start Your Journey to Compliance
Schedule a demo of Regulatory Assessment now