Curated, searchable database of food fraud records to support GFSI-required vulnerability assessments
Looking for Food Fraud Consulting services? Let us do the work for you.
Key Benefits
- Quickly identify known food fraud risks
- Customizable weekly email alerts
- Export data to support GFSI-required food fraud vulnerability assessments
- Investigate decades of data or focus on recent reports
Information Tracked
- Publicly reported food fraud incidents
- Regulatory alerts, media reports, and industry publications
- Peer-reviewed scientific publications
Food Fraud Database Facts
- Nearly 6,000 ingredients tracked
- 3,000+ adulterants captured
- 18,000+ records
- 100+ news records per month
- Automated reports and exports for seamless support of food fraud vulnerability assessments
Dashboard based on your ingredients

1. Continual updates to database
2. Track ingredients based on saved user groups
Powerful data analytics

3. Manage analysis by time series, ingredient comparison, geography, analytical method and associated adulterants
4. Example of heat map by ingredient
Learn more about the Food Fraud Database background and record types.
Start Your Journey to Ingredient Safety
Schedule a demo of Food Fraud Database now