FoodChain ID stands for partnership, innovation and commitment to customer service. We strive to offer you an extensive range of solutions to help you meet your customers’ needs. FoodChain ID feed certification is accredited by the Belgian accreditation office BELAC on the basis of ISO 17065, ISO 17020 and ISO 17021-1.
The concept of safety and quality in feed production is a priority and fundamental element for the feed industry
At every stage of production, from the receipt of raw materials to the transport, packaging and marketing of the finished feed to the end customer, confidence in feed is critical. Based on regulatory oversight, feed may only be placed on the market if it is safe and suitable for its intended use and without harmful effects on the environment or animal welfare.
We provide information and service about:
- GMP+
- Fami-QS
- Oqualim
- Qualimat
for Belgium, France, Italy or Germany
A certification for companies involved in the production of feed additives and premixes
GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance Certification
GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance (FSA)
Controls on raw materials, additives, food and feed of national, community or non-community origin are important to detect and/or quantify undesirable or unauthorized substances. Specific hazards include accidental or fraudulent contamination, chemical residues, veterinary medicinal products and contaminants. Directive 2002/32/EC lists the substances for which maximum levels of acceptability are indicated according to the effects on human health and animal health and welfare.
We Are Here to Help
Let our experts help you get the right Animal Feed Certification solution