Our Brands

FoodChain ID is now a global brand

Since 2022 we have integrated our product portfolio under the trusted FoodChain ID brand to provide customers with a single point of contact for accurate data, market-specific insights and industry-leading services.

DecernisDiversified LaboratoriesHamilton GrantNutraverisQuality PartnerVerdantViaware


Tools and services of Decernis can now be found under the following name:

Login to Decernis tools

Decernis GmbH
Fraunhoferstrasse 11B, 82152 Planegg, Germany
Recipe Specification System

Hamilton Grant

We’ve updated the name of the Hamilton Grant solution to Recipes and Specifications.

Client login is here

Hamilton Grant Software Ltd.
Blackbrook Hall London Rd, Lichfield WS14 0PS
United Kingdom

Diversified Laboratories

Independent Analytical Laboratory – ISO 17025 & USDA Accredited for Pesticides, PCBs and Antibiotic Residue is now part of FoodChain ID Testing.

Find our Testing Services


Tools and services of Nutraveris can be found here:

Client Login to the solutions

Nutraveris S.A / FoodChain ID France
6 rue de la Gare, 22 000 Saint Brieuc, France

Quality Partner

Quality Partner and its subsidiaries Inscert Partner, Genalyse Partner and Promag are now full part of FoodChain ID.

Find our Biological certification here.

FoodChain ID Belgium
En Hayeneux 62, 4040 Herstal
Cloud Solutions


Our expanded team allows us to call on more industry and technical expertise to develop, implement and support solutions for companies working with both on-premise, cloud-based, and hybrid infrastructure.

Verdant Solutions are now integrate to FoodChain ID Solutions:

FoodChain ID Netherlands
Twentepoort Oost 55A, 7609 RG Almelo, Netherlands