Novel Food Application

We have significant experience in pre-market authorisation of novel foods in line with European Union requirements which dictate that ingredients must be safe for consumers, properly labelled and not nutritionally disadvantageous versus another food it replaces.

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Service details

Regulatory evaluation of the native ingredient before processing (plant, animal product, other source, etc) in EU Member States that specifically qualify it (positive/negative lists, potential doctrines, etc.).

Why do I need to submit a novel foods application?

Foods that were not consumed ‘to a significant degree’ in the EU before 15 May 1997 require an application for use. These foods must be safe for human consumption, and not mislead the customer in relation to nutritional value if there is the intention that this food will replace another.

The application requires:

– A complete description of the manufacturing process, safety protocols, and certifications
– A full analysis of the ingredient
– A calculation of human exposure (mean and 95th percentile exposure)
– Genotoxicity testing (a minimum of 2 studies)
– A 90-day sub-chronic toxicity study
– An evaluation of the potential allergenicity (if the ingredient contains proteins)

Unfortunately, the novel foods application process is very technical and requires expertise and time that’s not often available within an organization. Relying on our team of experts to assist with this process allows your team to focus on other objectives. Our knowledge of—and experience in—novel food applications ensures your application will meet all the regulatory requirements that EFSA and the European Commission need to approve your submission.

At FoodChain ID we work with you to select the right service for your product, from regulatory analysis to a consultation process and any submissions or follow-ups with EFSA. This removes the strain from your business, and at 50% of the typical cost, it allows budget to be made available for other projects.

From start to finish, using an expert to support your novel food application means you benefit from the knowledge we have gained from our years of experience.

Procedure Selection

Scientific Gap Analysis of Data in Accordance with Regulatory Admissibility Criteria

  • Characterization data for the food/ingredients
  • History of consumption for the food/ingredients
  • Pharmacokinetic data for the food/ingredients
  • Allergenicity data for the food/ingredients
  • Safety/toxicological data for the food/ingredients

Expert Recommendations

  • Strengths and weaknesses of the substantiation
  • Complementary elements to provide including additional toxicology and/or quality studies

File Preparation & Submission

  • Preparation of the file
  • EC submission

Communications with Authorities (EFSA & European Commission)

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