Have We Slipped on Banana Peels?

Bananas are the second most common tropical fruit consumed globally with over 119 million tons consumed worldwide. With high consumption comes high waste.  The banana peels which make up about 35% of the banana by weight result in 3.5 million tons of waste per year. Banana peel waste can take two years to decompose and produces excessive emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) that contribute to climate change. There is a misconception that banana peels can’t be eaten, but they are edible and have a multitude of uses as a functional food ingredient. The banana peel contains protein, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, amino acids, and potassium.  Banana peels also have antioxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor, anti-mutagenic, and anti-ulcerogenic properties. And yes, they indeed do have especially slippery properties.

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Picture Credit Matthew Feeney

Posted on 12 April 2022