EFSA Re-Evaluates Lecithin as a Food Additive in Infant Foods
On November 10, 2020, EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) released the scientific opinion on “The Re-Evaluation of Lecithins (E322) as a Food Additive in Foods for Infants Below Sixteen Months of Age” as part of a potential risk around neurodevelopmental concerns. EFSA also followed up on its reevaluation of lecithins as a food additive for food uses for all population groups. This work is a follow up to the initial 2017 risk assessment on substances in infant foods in categories 13.1.1 and and as carryover in accordance with Annex III to Regulation EC No. 1333/2008. EFSA concluded that the use of lecithins in food additives used in infant food and other food categories does not raise safety concerns up to the permitted use level. Ask us in case of questions.
Posted on 30 November 2020