EFSA Confirms Sugar Consumption as Risk Factor in Chronic Diseases

The European Food Safety Authority was asked to review the link between sugar consumption and various chronic diseases using existing scientific literature. The comprehensive EFSA review included over 30,000 publications and clearly shows a connection between sugar consumption and the development of chronic metabolic diseases and dental caries. Based on the review, EFSA believes that the intake of added and free sugars should be as low as possible. EFSA was asked for a science-based cut off point, a tolerable upper intake level or UL, for total dietary sugars. While it was not possible to set a UL, it is obvious that the intake of added and free sugars should be as low as possible. The intake of sugar sweetened beverages showed a strong link to disease risk. EFSA stressed that its opinion is meant to play a role in the Member States setting their own dietary guidelines and targets. The EFSA opinion does not constitute a policy recommendation.

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Picture Credit Susanne Kuehne

Posted on 24 August 2021