Regulatory Compliance

Novel foods and food supplements: understanding the European legal framework

All the keys to understand the novel food status in the European legal framework

A novel food is defined in Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 as a food for which human consumption was negligible in the European Union before 15 May 1997, when the first novel food regulation came into force with Regulation (EC) 258/97.

Novel foods may not be placed on the market or used in food for human consumption until they are included in the European Union list.

FoodChain ID provides the services you need to evaluate the regulatory status of the native ingredient before processing.

In this Whitepaper, you will find all the keys to understand the Europen legal framework :

  • What is a Novel Food?
  • Novel Food Status Analysis
  • The full Novel Food Procedure
  • Ongoing Applications
  • Traditional Food from Third Countries Procedure
  • UK Procedure

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