Nigella sativa as a promising intervention for metabolic and inflammatory disorders in obese prediabetic subjects
This open-label, randomized, prospective, comparative study was conducted on 117 obese prediabetic subjects following controlled diet and exercise regimen (LM group) or receiving Nigella sativa (Nigella sativa seed oil; Baraka®450) 450 mg twice daily or metformin for 6 months.
Results show that Nigella sativa (NS) was statistically similar to metformin in improving anthropometric, glycemic parameters and SIRT1 gene expression. There was non-significant difference between LM and NS regarding the same parameters. Nigella sativa improved lipid panel and significantly reduced TNF-alpha levels and Castelli risk index-I (cardiac risk ratio reflecting the formation of coronary plaques) as compared to other interventions.
In conclusion, Nigella sativa uniquely improved lipid panel and significantly suppressed inflammation and therefore, may be a promising intervention for obese prediabetic subjects.
Mostafa TM, Hegazy SK, Elnaidany SS, Shehabeldin WA, Sawan ES. Nigella sativa as a promising intervention for metabolic and inflammatory disorders in obese prediabetic subjects: A comparative study of Nigella sativa versus both lifestyle modification and metformin. J Diabetes Complications. 2021 May 8:107947.