Improving Traceability and Supplier Management
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Traceability and Supplier Management have never been as important in the Food and Beverage industry as they are today. With food scares, more demanding consumers and increasing government legislation, food and beverage companies need to be prepared to meet stringent new expectations.
The key to managing this area is a paperless environment where every part of the supply chain from suppliers to customers is under control and traceable.
Hamilton Grant enables companies to standardise their due diligence and protect their reputation using automated supplier and site approvals, automated workflow, and performance dashboards.
They can increase confidence in their supplier information with formal supplier risk assessment processes, automated reminders to keep certifications and accreditations current, and monitoring of ethical standards and non-conformance responses.
Data quality can be improved with automated validation and mandatory fields ensuring that suppliers submit information consistently and accurately.
Manufacturers, retailers and restaurant chains are now looking at ways of improving their attention to detail in this area. Hamilton Grant Software have been pioneering this area of business for many years offering a complete end-to-end solution for managing supplier raw material, finished goods, packaging specifications, ethical data and more – from suppliers through to finished product on the customer’s shelf or table.