FDA Pushes Back on CBD Claims
The FDA is coming down hard on Delta-8 THC and CBD products that are making disease claims related to these substances. The Agency also reiterated the reasons why it believes Delta-8 is not a suitable ingredient for products marketed as supplements. FDA sent warning letters to five companies marketing these products coming down hard on the disease claims being made in connection with the products on company websites and via social media. There are many claims being made around these ingredients including as a treatment for cancer, chronic pain, anxiety, and nausea. Another concern is that some of the products are packaged in a way that may appeal to children.
Our monthly regulatory CBD Digest will help you to stay up-to-date. Download a sample report: https://foodchainid.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/praedixi_CDB_digest-_global_september_2021.pdf
Posted on 6 May 2022