Regulatory Compliance

Technology solutions for marketing and manufacturing supplements in the US

Navigating the complex landscape of dietary supplement regulations in the U.S. can be challenging. To help you stay ahead, Apex Compliance and FoodChain ID have teamed up to bring you an exclusive webinar.

Navigating the complex landscape of dietary supplement regulations in the U.S. can be challenging. To help you stay ahead, Apex Compliance and FoodChain ID have teamed up to bring you an exclusive webinar. This 45-minute session will cover:

  • Ingredient Suitability & Claims: FoodChain ID’s experts will guide you through determining ingredient suitability and navigating claims regulations in the U.S.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Discover how FoodChain ID’s Supplements R&D Insight tool offers comprehensive regulatory data and scientific analysis to simplify compliance.
  • Content & Enforcement Trends: Apex will demonstrate how their Compliance tools help avoid costly FDA warning letters and litigation through efficient content review and risk management.

Together, Apex Compliance and FoodChain ID bring you the expertise and technology needed to streamline your compliance process and enhance your product marketing. Our Speakers: Jérôme Le Bloch — Head of Scientific Affairs, FoodChain ID As Head of Scientific Affairs at FoodChain ID, Jerôme assists companies with support on scientific dossiers substantiating the safety and/or efficacy of food ingredients. Jerôme has significant experience and is able to assist with NDI/GRAS applications in the U.S.

Amélie Denis — Head of International Regulatory Data, FoodChain ID

With almost 20 years of experience in health food regulations, Amélie is leading our international regulatory data department, working on survey and capture of regulatory data for FoodChain ID’s Supplements R&D Insight for numerous countries.

Asa Waldstein – Principle, Apex Compliance Asa Waldstein is the principal of Apex Compliance, a software company recognized as a finalist at Vitafoods Europe and a NutraIngredients Startup Stars Award winner. He also leads Supplement Advisory Group, a consultancy specializing in marketing risk analysis and solutions for web and social media. Complete the form below to view our webinar  

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