Food Safety

Trust on the Line: Protecting Your Brand in a World of Food Safety Hazards

It is critical for food companies to prevent food safety issues to ensure product safety, maintain consumer trust and protect brand reputation, but identifying and prioritizing these supply chain risks can be a challenge without the right strategy. Our webinar revealed best practices and operational examples of food safety risk mitigation. 

It is critical for food companies to prevent food safety issues to ensure product safety, maintain consumer trust and protect brand reputation, but identifying and prioritizing these supply chain risks can be a challenge without the right strategy. Our webinar revealed best practices and operational examples of food safety risk mitigation. Viewers will learn: 

  • Current trends in supply chain food safety and food fraud hazards
  • An overview of the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirement to identify “known or reasonably foreseeable” material hazards in your supply chain
  •  Actionable tips to improve and streamline food safety risk prioritization and management
  • How digital tools can help companies manage food safety and food fraud hazards and support GFSI-mandated fraud vulnerability assessments.

Meet the Presenters: Karen Everstine, MPH, PhD Technical Services Director, Food Safety Solutions, FoodChain ID Deni Odegbemi, PhD Global Director of Food Safety, ADM  

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