Food Safety

Staying Ahead of Raw Material Supply Chain Risks

Raw materials supply chain risks come in many forms – microbial contamination, chemical contamination including pesticides, fraudulent ingredients and other types of contaminants. This webinar reviews efficient and effective ways to monitor a wide variety of data sources to stay ahead of potential risks in your supply chain.

Part of FoodChain ID’s ‘It Begins with You’ Webinar Series

Raw materials supply chain risks come in many forms – microbial contamination, chemical contamination including pesticides, fraudulent ingredients and other types of contaminants. This webinar reviews efficient and effective ways to monitor a wide variety of data sources to stay ahead of potential risks in your supply chain. The presenters discussed the many types of supply chain risks, how to understand what regulatory limits apply to certain contaminants in your raw materials, and how to be alerted of contamination within the supply chain when it happens.


Karen Everstine, MPH, Phd – Technical Director, FoodChain ID

Fernando Antunes Lopes – Subject Matter Expert, Food Contaminants, FoodChain ID

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