GMC/RES No 09/06: Designation of Food Additives and their Maximum Concentrations for Category of Foodstuffs 16.2: Non-alcoholic beverages, Subcategory 16.2.2: Carbonated and Non-carbonated non-alcoholic beverages [English Translation]



Title: GMC/RES No 09/06: Designation of Food Additives and their Maximum Concentrations for Category of Foodstuffs 16.2: Non-alcoholic beverages, Subcategory 16.2.2: Carbonated and Non-carbonated non-alcoholic beverages

Publication date: 22/06/2006

Status: In force

Scope: This resolution establishes the requirements for BEVERAGE STANDARDS for MERCOSUR members. It includes the terms and definitions, product classification, requirements, test methods, and inspection rules of NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. It is applicable to production, inspection and sales of CARBOBATED and NON-CARBONATED BEVERAGES.