Exemption of Hand Sanitizer Fees for Distillers
On January 5, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) confirmed that it has created a long-term solution to exclude craft distilleries and other small manufacturers from the onerous FDA fees imposed on manufacturers of hand sanitizer during the pandemic. The American Craft Spirits Association (ASCA) led discussions with HHS leadership to align on an approach. HHS determined that craft distilleries will not be subject to the FDA fees for a twelve month period following the end of the calendar year in which the Covid-19 national health emergency is declared to be over. This is a win for the distilleries and consumers as the spirits industry has contributed greatly to the production of hand sanitizer. Craft distilleries will still be required to register with FDA and follow guidance as they continue to produce hand sanitizer.
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Picture Credit Susanne Kuehne
Posted on 7 January 2020