UK National Food Strategy Paper Proposals
In 2019, the UK government commissioned a review of the country’s food system, and the resulting report, called The National Food Strategy, was issued late last week. The paper includes some controversial proposals captured in a list of fourteen recommendations including a tax on sugar and salt. The “junk food tax” has been discussed for years, but food companies say that the government must provide legislative guidance to level the playing field. If applied fairly, this tax could drive more than just reformulation. Adoption of this tax would make the UK the world’s first country to enact a mandatory salt levy. It is believed that the tax could break the cycle of unhealthy eating and reduce the incidence of NCDs (non-communicable diseases) such as obesity. Other recommendations include addressing animal agriculture in terms of the environment and creating a National Food System Data program. Critics argue that the paper fails to consider the wants and likes of consumers and could increase food prices.
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Posted on 29 July 2021