FDA Enforcement on Gluten-Free Labeling of Fermented and Hydrolyzed Foods Begins
The FDA has issued a reminder that enforcement has begun for a year-old rule requiring companies to document the fact that ingredients used in fermented and hydrolyzed foods labeled gluten-free were gluten free before either of those two processes took place. The rule was adopted last year, because there is no scientific process to determine whether fermented and hydrolyzed foods are actually gluten-free. The labeling requirement is designed to protect individuals with celiac disease, a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small intestine. Foods included under this umbrella include: yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, green olives, cheese, beer, wine, and hydrolyzed plant proteins. The FDA requirement will be necessary until a method of determining whether these products are gluten-free is developed and validated.
Our Experts can assist you with labeling questions.
Posted on 3 September 2021