HG featured in Shaun Snapp's latest book

Hamilton Grant Software is pleased to announce that it has been featured in Shaun Snapp’s latest book, “Process Industry Manufacturing Software: ERP, Planning, Process Control, Recipe Mgmt. & MES Software.”

Shaun Snapp based in San Francisco is the Managing Editor of SCM Focus. SCM Focus is one of the largest independent supply chain planning software analysis and educational sites on the Internet. After working at several of the largest consulting companies and at i2 Technologies, he became an independent consultant. He maintains a strong interest in comparative software design, and works both in SAP APO, as well as with a variety of best-of-breed supply chain planning vendors. His ongoing relationships with these vendors keep him on the cutting edge of emerging technology.

Process industries, such as food and beverage have the widest variety of unique manufacturing requirements of all the manufacturing categories, and for this reason, no off-the-shelf planning application will meet all the requirements. This book gives a thorough analysis of planning and the software solutions that meet the process industry’s unique and varied requirements.

By reading this book you will:

  • Explore the software applications from PlanetTogether, Arena Solutions, Hamilton Grant, and AspenTech and how their solutions meet the complexities of process industries.
  • Understand the difference between process and discrete manufacturing and why software solutions designed for discrete manufacturing leave process industries with gaps in functionality.
  • Examine batch and continuous processing within process industries.
  • Lessen the confusion around terminology, such as recipes, formulas, bill of materials and more.
  • Know what to look for when selecting software to meet your business requirements for production planning.

The book is available on Amazon here: