FoodChain ID Certification Europe & sister company FoodChain ID to hold VLOG breakfast seminar and training day in Ireland

We are bringing Alexander Hissting, the Managing Director of VLOG, to Newbridge, Kildare so he can explain the VLOG standard and help you apply it to your business.

There has been a lot of talk about the German Government making the move towards all dairy produce having the Ohne Gentichnik seal to prove it is GMO free.

​This requires auditing against the VLOG “Ohne Gentechnik” Standard.

​This standard is new to most people outside of Germany, so you might need some help understanding it.

​That’s why we’re bringing Alexander Hissting, the Managing Director of VLOG, to Newbridge, Kildare so he can explain the standard and help you apply it to your business.

This includes requirments of thr VLOG stndard to the supply chain in terms of certification and testing.

​Alexander is the absolute authority on VLOG and he is keen to share his knowledge with the dairy sector during our exclusive event.

Additinal speakers on the day include:-
​- Dr Konstantin Rizos, Genetic ID, will be talking about VLOG GMO testing
​- Stephen Kolek, FoodChain ID Certification VlOG Auditor, will be giving VLOG training

To read the full article, visit The Dairy Reporter