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Improvement in fertility in men with a dietary supplement

This randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled trial examined the effects of a dietary supplement on fertility in men with idiopathic subfertility. 83 men with either oligo-, astheno or terato-zoospermia have been enrolled in this study. They were supplemented with a placebo or a dietary supplement containing L-carnitine/acetyl-L-carnitine, L-arginine, glutathione, co-enzyme-Q10, zinc, vitamin B9, vitamin B12 and selenium.

After 6 months of supplementation, more men from the supplemented group had a normal spermiogram in comparison to the placebo group (29/42, 69.0% vs. 9/41, 22.0%, p < 0.001). Moreover, the rate of spontaneous pregnancy was greater with the dietary supplement than with placebo (10/42, 23.8% vs. 2/41, 4.9%,p = 0.017).

Therefore, the dietary supplement tested in this study was effective for normalizing the spermiogram of men with idiopathic subfertility. This improvement was associated with an increased pregnancy rate.

Kopets R, Kuibida I, Chernyavska I, Cherepanyn V, Mazo R, Fedevych V, Gerasymov S. Dietary supplementation with a novel L-carnitine multi-micronutrient in idiopathic male subfertility involving oligo-, astheno-, teratozoospermia: a randomized clinical study. Andrology. 2020 Apr 24.