BRCGS Category Learning Module – Fruit, Vegetables and Nuts


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BRCGS have for some time developed and delivered auditor competency requirements and assessment criteria for each of the product categories. Core technical knowledge sets are required for most categories and product specific knowledge.


The BRCGS Category 5&6 Learning Module provides an overview of fruit, vegetable and nut production and processing. It is suitable for new auditors or to calibrate auditors in categories 5 and 6 of the Global Standard for Food Safety to ensure their knowledge is relevant and up-to-date. This knowledge will be assessed in the category exam.


This course can be used as introductory training for manufacturing or retail technical and quality staff to enhance their knowledge of fresh and processed produce, industry practices and food safety controls. And, it can further be utilized as instructional training for global markets sites to support the development of a certified BRCGS food safety and quality management system.


The course is arranged into four modules.  The first three modules cover information specific to both BRCGS categories 5 and 6. This includes:​


  • Crop Growing and Farm Assurance Schemes​
  • Unprepared Product Contamination​
  • Unprepared Product Processes​


The fourth module is specific to category 6 and covers “Prepared Product and Production Methods” allowing trainees to complete this section if relevant to their role or company.​


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