To validate our annual certificates or traceability certificates of compliance (TCCs), it is necessary to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website:
Download the files at the bottom of this page at the "Download of the Public Keys for FoodChain ID Certification" and double-click them to import our public keys in your computer.
Mark the checkboxes according to the image below:
In the next screen, enable all checkboxes according to the image below:
Click OK. Upon opening a FoodChain ID certificate, you will be able to verify the authenticity of the signature by cliocking on the Signatures panel, then Validade All.
Download of the Public Keys for FoodChain ID Certification
Válido para certificados emitidos até 04 de abril de 2022
Válido para certificados emitidos até 02 de fevereiro de 2017