U.S. Hemp Authority® Certification

FoodChain ID: Expertise that takes you where you need to go
As the exclusive program administrator for the U.S. Hemp Authority® Certification Standard, FoodChain ID will provide you with the highest level of service throughout the certification process.
The certification grants you the right to display the U.S. Hemp Authority® seal in your product label and mention it in advertising and marketing material. Companies eligible to apply for the certification include Growers, Processors/Manufacturers, and Brand Owners
Three Steps to Certification
Apply for Certification
Answer a few questions to get started on the application process. We will be in touch with you within the next 2 business days
Pass The Audit
Once we have completed our technical review of your application, we will set a date to inspect your operations
Licensing & Renewal
Certification is an annual cycle. Renewal for operations in good standing is simple and only requires an update of any changes made
Get in touch with us!
Tap into FoodChain ID's experience of more than 20 years in certification and verification services within the food industry
Let us help you add to your brand's credibility by getting U.S. Hemp Authority® certified!
Fill out the form on the right and we will get back to you with details on the application package

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