Stay ahead of supply chain risks and support GFSI certification program requirements with our expert-curated database
- Customizable weekly email alerts and dashboard based on your ingredients
- Automated reports and exports for seamless support of food fraud vulnerability assessments
- Combine with our food fraud consulting services to further enhance your risk mitigation processes
Comprehensive Database, Vetted by Experts

Nearly 6,000
Ingredients Tracked

Adulterants Captured

Total Records

New Records per Month
Prioritize and mitigate food fraud and adulteration risks
Dashboard based on your ingredients

1. Continual updates to database
2. Track ingredients based on saved user groups
Powerful data analytics

3. Manage analysis by time series, ingredient comparison, geography, analytical method and associated adulterants
4. Example of heat map by ingredient
Food Fraud Database Facts

Database Sources
- Publicly reported food fraud incidents
- Regulatory alerts, media reports and industry publications
- Peer-reviewed scientific publications

Data Tracked
- Nearly 6,000 ingredients tracked and 3,000+ adulterants captured
- 18,000+ records, with 100+ new records per month
- Learn more about the Food Fraud Database background and record types

How can the Food Fraud Database help you mitigate food fraud risks?
Every organization’s situation is different, and we are happy to chat with you about a unique custom solution for your business.
TALK TO THE EXPERTSWhy Choose the Food Fraud Database?

Comprehensive Data
Access up-to-date records on food fraud risks relevant to your supply chain, vetted by our experts

Proactive Risk Monitoring
Customizable email alerts, powerful analytics tools and customizable dashboards to streamline understanding of potential risks

Supports Compliance
The Food Fraud Database supports compliance with requirements for identification of food fraud risks required for Global Food Safety Initiative certification
Start Your Journey to Ingredient Safety
Connect with our experts to get started