Efficiently Comply with the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard
The compliance date is approaching fast!
January 1, 2022 is the mandatory compliance date for the national bioengineered (BE) food disclosure standard (NBFDS) requiring food manufacturers, importers, and other entities that label foods for retail sale to disclose information about BE.
The Standard is complex and as new bioengineered crops become commercially available, products will be subject to further review.
In this whitepaper you’ll learn:
- Why the NBFDS was conceived
- What the NBFDS is
- Actions food companies must take to comply
- Compliance solutions food companies can employ
FoodChain ID pioneered the development of proprietary DNA extraction techniques enabling us to launch the first commercial laboratory for GMO food identification, created the first Non-GMO Certification scheme, and was the founding technical administrator for the Non-GMO Project. FoodChain ID has honed the associated processes and procedures over the past two decades and remains at the forefront of GMO legislation interpretation – such as the NBFDS.
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