Organic Certification 101
A FoodChain ID On-Demand Webinar
Learn The Basics of the USDA National Organic Program
Are you interested in organic certification but uncertain about how to get started?
This educational webinar from the organic certification experts at FoodChain ID will provide you with invaluable information in a concise and engaging presentation.
The webinar will address everything from what USDA organic certification is, to what can be certified, the organic process and more.
Participants will also learn:
- Basic requirements for all organic certifications
- Labeling categories
- Basics for farmers, livestock producers, and processors
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"FoodChain ID made the organic certification process easy. I am glad we are working with the FoodChain team!"
Julia Santoro, PCQI | Quality Director, Queen of America
About the Speaker
David Gould
Global Head of Sustainability Programs - FoodChain ID
David Gould is Global Head of Sustainability Programs for FoodChain ID. He is a food scientist by training with a degree in Life Sciences from MIT. He has been involved in the food and agriculture sector for the past 25 years and has worked on issues of genetic engineering and its effects on health and ecology since 1996. David was one of the originators of nona-GMO standards and certification programs and has stayed closely involved in their development globally throughout their development. Working across a range of sustainability schemes, he has inspected and/or certified thousands of farms, processing facilities, and other value chain actors on 6 continents, and contributed to the formation of numerous standards and policies in addition to non-GMO, including organic, fair trade, fisheries, and non-food agriculture-based sectors. He has and continues to train and consult globally to the private sector and government agencies on sustainable development, quality assurance, policy reform, and stakeholder engagement. Prior to joining FoodChain ID at the beginning of 2019, David spent the previous 7 years as Senior Facilitator for IFOAM - Organics International, where he was instrumental in elaborating best practices in agriculture, its value chains, and the forward trajectory of the organic movement. He lives in Portland, Oregon, where he also spent various years as owner of a small food processing business and a permaculture farm.
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