La cardamone verte améliore le métabolisme de sujets obèses atteints de stéatose hépatique non alcoolique.

The aim of this randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled study was to examine the effects of green cardamom (3 g/day for 3 months) in overweight or obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The authors assessed the effects of cardamom on glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, blood lipids, and irisin levels.

Green cardamom improves metabolism of obese subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Compared to placebo, the cardamom supplementation increased irisin, HDL-cholesterol and insulin sensitivity. It also reduced fasting blood insulin, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol, and the grade of fatty liver (p < 0.05). No change in fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol and BMI have been noted.

These results suggest therefore that green cardamom can be beneficial for overweight or obese subjects with NAFLD.

Daneshi-Maskooni M, Keshavarz SA, Qorbani M, Mansouri S, Alavian SM, Badri-Fariman M, Jazayeri-Tehrani SA, Sotoudeh G. Green cardamom supplementation improves serum irisin, glucose indices, and lipid profiles in overweight or obese non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients: a double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Mar 12,19(1):59.