Food Fraud Wartime Worries
The Ukraine as well as Russia and Belarus are significant growers and exporters of agricultural products: cereals, plant-based oils such as sunflower oil, legumes and more. For example, 25% of global wheat exports come from Ukraine and Russia. Adulterated and lower-quality products can make their way into the supply chain, such as adulteration of low quality wheat with legume flour to increase protein levels. Low-quality wheat or corn may be contaminated with mycotoxins. Adulterations can present risks for allergen sufferers and cause other health issues. Sunflower oil and honey are at high risks of adulteration with alternative oils or sugar, respectively. Fish from Russia may be re-labeled regarding its country of origin. Even fertilizer may be adulterated with unapproved products due to shortages in the supply chain.
Find this and other incidents in the Food Fraud Database with over 14,300 entries.
Picture Credit Susanne Kuehne
Posted on 4 April 2022