Diet Soda Being Revamped

Traditional diet soda is disappearing from store shelves at least in terms of packaging and labeling.  These no calorie sodas are being rebranded as “zero sugar” beverages to appeal to younger consumers.  Studies show that millennial and Gen-Z consumers don’t like the term “diet” and don’t want to feel that they are on a diet which has prompted soft drink manufacturers to overhaul their product labels to reflect zero sugar. Dieting as a concept is an evolving attitude, and younger consumers seem to find the term “diet” restrictive and negative.  Many large beverage companies have been experimenting with the “zero sugar” terminology since 2016, but it is really catching on now. According to Mintel, in late 2020, the US retail diet carbonated drink market hit $11.2 billion.

Labeling questions? Check with our Experts.

Posted on 23 December 2021