Daily Tea Consumption and US Dietary Guidelines

Scientists and industry stakeholders argue that daily tea consumption should be recommended in the 2025 – 2030 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). A growing body of research shows benefits from the Camellia sinensis plant including immunity-boosting and reduced risk of cardiometabolic disease, cancer, and cognitive decline. Over the last decade, evidence has built with data clearly supporting the fact that “true tea” has the potential to modify risk for several types of chronic and degenerative diseases including cardiovascular and cognitive diseases. Some scientists advocate for clear dietary guidelines to distinguish actual tea from herbal infusions and other tea-like beverages. A recommendation for tea drinking would also help establish a standard for products that support the benefits outlined in clinical studies. Currently, DGA mentions tea only in terms of the amount of added sugar that is often consumed in the beverage.

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Posted on 20 May 2022