Australia publishes guide for categorizing Chemicals

The Department of Health in the Australian Government has published a guide for categorizing chemicals used in food contact required under the new Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICS) regulations that became effective 1 July 2020. 


The guideline describes a straightforward approach to categorizing the basic risk of the substance under food contact uses incorporating threshold-based approaches including the threshold of toxicological concern. It also describes recordkeeping requirements regarding the categorization and assessment of the food contact chemical. The recordkeeping requirements overlap with requirements under the E.U. Framework Directive and to records required to establish GRAS status for use in the U.S. Thus, the new rules for introducing chemicals used for food contact into Australia underscore the need to have a documented safety assessment in at least some cases for food contact substances. 

Find this and more information in our expert generated Food Contact Report.

Posted on 16 October 2020